Hatsune Zushi (初音鮨), Tokyo

Sushi Hatsune is 30 minutes away from Tokyo by train. Located at Kamata, it ranked as the top three restaurant in the area ( the first one is a tonkatsu place called maruyichi).

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Unlike many sushi places, Hatsune does not serve sushi on the small plate piece by piece. All the pieces are handed by chef Nakaji directly onto your hand. You will then flip the sushi upside down and put it into your mouth.

The most amazing thing about Hatsune is that chef Nakaji gives detailed explanation in English for all the sushi he does. This is definitely something rare in Japan.

Nakaji San said he visit the Tuskiji fish market every morning to buy all he products himself. He definitely feels proud of his work.

Hatsune Sushi has operated since Meiji period, where Nakaji San’s great great grand father used to operate a sushi hawker shop back then. The current restaurant was started by Nakaji San’s father and since then the family lived on the upper floor and the restaurant operates on the lower floor.

Although this family was in the sushi business for decades, Nakaji San believes that sushi should evolve with time. Instead of doing very traditional edonomae style, he uses different types of ingredients for sushi – such as oysters. He also likes to dry age his fish to concentrate the flavours (and of course the trade off the moist of the slice of fish). Other than that, he likes to use soy to marinate the fish, in fact, he does with with all the tuna. Personally I prefered the one with soy more than the ones without.

The Shirako was also another highlight as it was super creamy.

If you are tried of those really highend sushi place in Tokyo and have crave for a homey, nostalgic environment for a sushi meal, Hatsune Sushi is a fun place to be at.

Hatsune Zushi初音鮨
Address: 5-20-2, Nishikamata, Ota-ku, Tokyo
Tel: +81 03-3731-2403



Hours: 5:30 pm – 10:30pm (closed Sunday)
Chef: Katsu Nakaji
Visited on: 17 January, 2015

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